Pokemon Explorers of Earth Wikia



Male, LV37. Age: 20. A very happy character, and...not the brightest flower in the garden. Loves to *cough* stump his enemies with traps and puzzles, winning over affection with pasta foods that he makes. Clumsy and funny, truly a great friend. If he needs to, he'll come at you with japes and bone-based attacks. Now leads the Royal Thieves . Doesn't like hurting you, just wants someone to share his love of cooking and puzzles with. Wants to find a fabled species called 'humans' to become super popular, but hasn't succeeded yet. Likes to say 'Nyeh heh heh!', and enjoys cooking berries, even if it's not too good. When push comes to shove, though, he can always fight. Has only seemingly done it once.


Sock (Socket) the Eelektross. A-rank. Quiet aggressive and strong, commander of the Royal Thieves. The only Pokemon she can handle being nice to is Papyrus, only because he tries. Papyrus tried to show her the way of mercy, and he was slightly successful. He gave a charm he made out of bone for her, as a reward for learning the way of mercy. She appears to build unbelievable rage when she holds back her anger, happening the one time she tried mercy.
